26/04/2022 Driving tips
We went on a mission to find some useful advice for learner drivers and asked 1,000 drivers what advice they would give to teenagers just starting out on their driving journey.
Drum roll…
The top 10 most popular pieces of advice were:
Be patient with other drivers and always show consideration of others.
Take your time learning – and remember that you’re still learning to drive even when you pass your test.
Never lose concentration, even for a second.
Be aware of your speed – don’t go too fast but make sure it’s appropriate for the circumstances.
Never forget to mirror, signal, manoeuvre or to check your blind spot.
Be aware of other road users and don’t assume anyone will act a certain way – even if they’re signalling be cautious.
Always watch the car in front, and never get too close.
Don’t panic, it doesn’t help any situation.
Practice as much as possible but also have a qualified, professional instructor teaching you properly.
Be confident – but not over-confident.
Other gems of driving wisdom included never to use your phone or be distracted by music or technology; taking motorway lessons and practising on a variety of types of roads; not driving when tired or having had a drink; not to pay attention to bullies on the road; and to take time to look at and understand the Highway Code.
One really useful piece of advice given was to imagine the driver in front or the cyclist you pass is someone you love, and to keep your distance to protect you both. A few people said that the phrase ‘it’s better to be late than never arrive’ was a great one to keep in mind. Safety first - always!
Holly Grange
Holly Lane
Balsall Common