20/03/2020 News
Young Driver has postponed forthcoming events for April and May.
Our office remains open at this time and our team will be contacting all customers with bookings in April and May to rearrange lessons onto future dates.
We respectfully ask customers not to phone us at this time as our phone lines will be very busy as we call you to make these rearrangements.
We have already made plans to add more dates at all venues later in the year so that we do not disappoint those of you with bookings and vouchers.
If you have an urgent query in the meantime, please email us at [email protected]
If you wish to book from June onwards, then please do so online. If COVID-19 persists into June, then we will rearrange these lessons to a future date free of charge.
Our gift vouchers are also still available to buy and are valid for 11 months instead of the current 9 months in order to give you maximum flexibility at this time.
For regular updates visit our Facebook page, where we will be posting driving related activities for children to help keep them occupied during the period of school closures.
Please keep safe and well and we look forward to seeing you in the future.
Best regards, The Young Driver team